Tuesday 15 April 2014

Chiwetel Ejiofor Says He’s ‘Not Originally’ From Nigeria

Oscar Award nominee, Chiwetel Ejiofor, has cleared the air about his nationality.
During a media parley held on Friday, April 11, 2014, at the Wheatbaker Hotel in preparation for the premiere of the Half of A Yellow Sun movie, he explained why he claimed to be originally from London while on the Ellen Degeneres show.
According to him, it was because it (London) is his place of birth and not because he wanted to dissociate himself from Nigeria.
‘I was trying to give a honest answer about where I was born and so I said London, which was where I was born. To me, it was a surprising reaction that people then concluded that I was saying I did not identify as a Nigerian. I’m Nigerian-British but if you ask me where I was born or where I am originally from, I can’t say Enugu because I wasn’t born there‘, he said.
He was joined by other Nigerian actors including OC Ukeje, Gloria Young for the premiere of the movie at the Silverbird Cinemas, Lagos, on Saturday April 12.

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