Thursday 21 May 2015

See 5 reasons Why Genevieve Nnaji Is Bigger Than Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde

I came across this online and thought it would be a good read, tell me if you agree in the comments section.
Read the report below: –
Here are five reasons why Genevieve is bigger than Omotola: –
  1. Genevieve started her acting career before Omotola. She made her debut in 1987 in the TV soap opera Ripples at the age of 8.
  2. She was the first to get international recognition when she was described as the ‘Juliet Roberts of Africa’ by Oprah Winfrey in 2003.
  3. She has a more successful relationship with corporate Nigeria. Deals with Lux, Range Rover, Etisalat, MUD, and her own fashion line St. Genevieve makes her a very successful brand in business than Omotola.
  4. Both actresses have national honours- but Genevieve was the first to receive hers. She was awarded the Order of the Federal Republic in 2011.
  5. Between the two stars, she is the first to give up a music career made up of little talent which was going nowhere. Unfortunately, Omotola still believes she has a shot in music which has slightly dented her brand.

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