Friday 4 April 2014

Blame Challenges Of Nollywood To Poor Distribution Network…… Filmmaker Gabosky

 Ace Nollywood filmmaker Gabriel Onye Okoye aka Gabosky, has blamed the challenges faced in Nollywood to lack of good distribution avenue.

The movie marketer, who became popular in the ‘90s with blockbuster flicks such as ‘Nneka the Pretty Serpent,’ recently said that the Nigerian producers were trying their best in terms of production, but faced with the challenges of distribution.

“I would tell you that Nigerian producers are trying but things is that, there is a lacuna and this lacuna is on distribution.”

“A contractor brings all the professionals together to build a house. But when you finish building that house, nobody is renting it, so the contractor cannot continue constructing when the one he constructed has not been occupied.”

“The producers can gather people to produce the best movies but the man that is going to make him recover his money is the distributor. When he fails to get the distribution done and return the money so that the producer can return money to the executive producer, the job is not done,” he added.

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