Tuesday 1 April 2014

Obesere Finally Releases The Video On His rape Allegation


“Obesere has released the video CD which explains better what actually transpired between him and his accuser, Nike Olaiya. I learnt the CD has sold thousands of copies. Everybody wants to see the face of the girl. I also learnt that some music promoters and marketers have been lobbying Obesere for the musical video of the incident, which I learnt may be released before the end of the second quarter of the year. But I think Papa is just waiting for the outcome of the police investigation before going to the studio for the album.” a source tells Encomium.
On the reason he churned out the CD, Tosibe king, as Obesere is fondly addressed, told Encomium that “I want people, especially my fans, to get a clearer picture of what really happened between myself and Nike Olaiya.”

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