Monday 13 April 2015

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's intimate letters stolen from their home

Secrets about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's private life may be about to go public in the most embarrassing way.
Woman's Day reports that personal letters the couple wrote to each other in 2013 have been stolen from their chateau in France.
"Brad went into a panic because he couldn't find them," said a friend of the actor. "He's terrified they were lifted by someone who wants to publicly humiliate them."
If so, they'd have plenty of ammunition. The pal says the letters included intimate conversations about possibly adopting another baby and their suffering sex life as well as Brad's fears about Brangelina's future.
"Brad was open about his concerns that Ange might fall for a woman again," the source added.
"He poured his heart out about the problems he had in his previous marriage to Jennifer Aniston, so she may be dragged into this mortifying mess as well!"
According to the friend, Angelina is angry with Brad because he was responsible for keeping the letters locked away while their home in Provence was being renovated. That appears to be when the missives were swiped.
Ironically, their devotion to their professional lives might be what ends up making their private one public. When Angelina, 39, was in Australia filming Unbroken and Brad, 51, was in the US making Fury, they decided to communicate 1940s-style in the spirit of their period war films.
Alas, 1940s lovers didn't have to worry about social media spreading their most intimate details to the world.
Said Brad's friend: "They're praying the letters turn up soon."
Not everything in Brangelina land is private. Watch the video below to see Ange talking candidly about her wilder pre-Brad days.

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