Sunday 22 June 2014

                  it's finally over! Inside JLo and Marc Anthony's two-year custody battle over twins

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony's epic custody war over their twins is officially over after two long years…jeeze, it took you a while guys!
According to documents obtained by Radar Online, the pair were officially "awarded joint legal custody" over six-year-old twins Max and Emme on June 16, 2014.
Oh and they're officially divorced now too!
As for childcare arrangements, Marc, 45, will get the kids for just seven days a month plus holidays, while JLo, 44, will have them the rest of the time…with the assistance of her nannies of course.
The agreement also gives them joint responsibility over strange things like allowing the twins "to enter the armed forces" or " to marry before the legal age". Weird.
But what took them so long? After all, Marc filed his divorce papers in April 2012, but it took Jen over a year to file her response in December 2013.

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