Monday 20 October 2014

2face: “I Don’t Shove Off Female Fans Who Have A Crush On Me, I Introduce Them To My Single Friends”

Ace musician, 2Face Idibia is without a single atom of doubt one of Nigeria’s finest and greatest artist of all time.
We all know 2Face gets paid heavily for shows but he has kept the amount he charges a secret for me, unlike some other artists who have boasted about how much they charge.
In a recent interview with Vanguard, the music legend was asked how much he charges per show and here’s what he had to say;
‘I don’t have a particular fixed fee, it depends on the kind of show and what it is all about.’
When asked on how he handles female fans and how he politely tells them off without making them upset;
For me it’s a case of ‘Hello, thank you very much’, I try to make them know that what they are looking for isn’t possible. I just say ‘Let me introduce you to one of my single friends’.

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