Saturday 22 March 2014

Good parental value is key to transformation –Zack Orji



There is a consensus that Nigeria is at a crossroad. Nigerians, and non-Nigerians alike, agree that the country is a far cry from what it should be. They say the country is in coma and needs a shot in the arm to rouse it to take its rightful place. 
But veteran actor, Zack Amaefula Orjioke, popularly called Zack Orji, believes that all hope is not lost for Nigeria. He says the nation can take its rightful place in the comity of respected nations once again. The ever gorgeous and handsome actor says before any meaning transformation can take place, we must go back to the basics: the homefront. According to him, to pull Nigeria out of the brink requires good parental upbringing.

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