Thursday 13 August 2015

Tonto’s Stylist Fires Back At Actor Gideon Okeke: “Come Back When You Can Feed Over 15 Dogs”

Remember Nollywood actor, Gideon Okeke who slammed Tonto Dikeh on social media recently over her relationship with Mr X.
Well, Tonto’s stylist, Swanky Jerry took to social media to put the actor on a blast.
Jerry wrote: –
“A Man Trying To Bring A woman Down My Goodness What is the world Turning into? An Actor who should be busy going for auditions and trying to get jobs,but he’s busy checking other people’s life and making silly comments about them being married.A man who could not accept his responsibilities the female you are trying to bring down is 1million times better than you on every level You need to chill and come back next time when you can afford to feed over 15dogs .#BitterManTryingToBringAWomanDown #StopGivingMenBadNames# #GoTakeCareOfYourResponsibilities #timewaitsfornoman #keepitmoving”

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