Saturday 5 July 2014

He's a father?! Rob Kardashian reveals he has a son on Twitter

Rob Kardashian

Rob Kardashian has just shocked all his Twitter followers (and TheFIX) by revealing on social media that he has a son!
With cameras following his every move, how has he managed to hide this?!
The 27-year-old reality star tweeted earlier today: "Happy I got my Son with me for the 4th tomorrow!! Can't wait to watch fireworks with my little man! Hope everyone is safe!" Yep we're safe Rob… but still ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED.
Guess we shouldn’t be overly surprised by Rob's latest paternity post, with the star tweeting about his "baby mama" two weeks ago.
He wrote: "To my baby mama, I loveeeeee you." A love interest and a little man?! Our head's spinning with all this new info...

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