Monday 3 August 2015

Celebrities should avoid marrying one another – Ayo Adesanya

Ayo Adesanya
Ayo Adesanya
Ayo Adesanya recently marked her 20 years in the Nigerian movie industry and she is without doubt a star when it comes to acting. Still bubbly and animated at 45, she has a spirit that makes her look far younger than her age. 
Ayo has entertained fans from all walks of life and she has admirers both from the younger and older generations. In this exclusive interview, the screen diva talks about her life in Nollywood and the journey so far.
20 years in Nollywood, how has the journey been so far?
So far so good; I can’t say it’s been fun, fun, fun all the way but I’m grateful to God that 20 years is here because looking back was just like yesterday. It’s been wonderful; it’s been a beautiful experience all the way
You said it wasn’t all fun, what problems have you faced so far?
There are a lot of challenges. I believe over the last twenty years I’ve been able to build something out of my career. Building a career, I would relate it to your everyday life; you have a lot of ups and downs.   During this twenty-year journey, I’ve been through a lot of ups and downs but I would just like to say that most of the things I’ve done have been positive; most of the jobs I’ve touched have come out successful, so I’m so grateful
Are you working on any movie now?
Yes, I’m going into a project really soon. I’m actually at the preparation stage. I’m working on a comedy; I’ve been doing comedy ever since and I think a lot of people enjoy it so I’m trying to work on something new
Going down memory lane, what movie would you say brought you out?
Some people say it is ‘Out of Bounds’, the one RMD produced and Tade Ogidan directed. A lot of people remember ‘Most Wanted’ too. While some will still say it is the soap ‘Palace’. It is difficult to point out any particular one. When I finished ‘Dry Leaves’ by Opa Williams, my first, and I was invited for ‘Most Wanted’, people began to really notice me.
I think what gave me that break was that immediately ‘Most Wanted’ came out, ‘Out of Bounds’ came out a few months after and then the soap ‘Palace’ was running simultaneously so I think everything just worked together. When God does his work, he does it in mysterious ways so it was all interconnected
Between acting and producing, which do you find most fulfilling?
Production is very tasking while acting is fun. I love it when people call me to interpret a particular role. I would just put my feet up, enjoy and relax. All I need to do is read my script, change my costumes and do my part, just interpret my role. When it comes to production, it’s a lot of work because you’re responsible for every other person in that project.
What has been your most stressful movie production?
I think it was ‘Amope Alasela’, the one I played a double role. There are two actually, there was one ‘Edun Ara”, that one we had to shoot in Arepo and we had this face off with some vigilantes there.
Real face off?
Real face off, in fact they shot at us. It was me, Fathia Balogun, Funso Adeolu that night, so many of us were there and it was my production so I was responsible for everybody there. It was just God because it would have been fatal; they actually ran after us and they were shooting.
The people there, I really don’t know what their bone of contention was because before we went in there to shoot, we took permission from a particular source and another source came and said they were not aware we were doing anything like that. It wasn’t until they recognised three or four of us that they mellowed but we still had to resolve the issue at the police station that night.
What has been your biggest movie production so far? 
I think all my productions have been good, people like them and give me good feedback on them. But if I have to choose based on most popular reactions, I will say it is ‘Amope Alasela’, the one I played an old woman and a young woman. People found it hilarious because it was a comedy.
There was a time you took a break from acting, what was happening then?
That was when I had my baby. I just took a break to take care of my baby
In your 20 years anniversary picture, you wrote the new you is a positive you, what did you mean by that?
Like you just said now that I took a break; after taking a break I came back and all I’m just trying to say is that I was given another chance because I know that it is not easy to leave the entertainment scene and try to come in and re-launch yourself. But God has been so good because I’m coming back and in fact, I think I am working more now than I used to, even when I started in the movie industry. I’m busier now than when I started, so the best is yet to come
Have you featured in any movie this year?
I’ve done quite a lot this year. Early this year, I was on a location for months in Ibadan, we were shooting a TV series called Casino. It’s not out yet, the rollout has not started; they’ve not even started doing the promo but that was where we were for quite some time. By the grace of God, when it comes out, I’m sure people would see a new me; that’s one of the projects that would bring a new me out
What is it that makes a good actor?
Ayo Adesanya and Son
You just said it, actor, acting; the person is acting. You’re interpreting a role and you want people to believe that this is who you are for that period of time; this is a character you’re playing out. People should be able to see you and say you are good. I love it when you’re deep.
What I mean by being deep is doing your job not to impress or to be vague. You’re not in it for social media just to show yourself. You do your work and we see it that you’re deep. When you’re deep, a lot of people can identify with you and say they love what you do and feel you.
What is your advice to upcoming actors?
Once in a while, they should just wait and ask where they are going? To me, I believe everybody is just rushing up and down as though this is a race. You can’t take my shine; I can’t take your shine. What will be mine will be mine, what will be yours will be yours so they really need to calm down and do the work
Are you still planning to get married?
When people ask me that question, they just get me confused. Fine, God said we should come to the world, get married and multiply but you know, I’m beginning to think marriage is not for everyone. When you ask me if I’m going to get married again, get confused because I am not God. It is only God that knows for sure what can happen or not. Tomorrow, I might just meet somebody that would sweep me off my feet, so, it’s not as if I’m closing the door totally.
God is the owner of my life, if He says it is okay then it is okay. But then, it doesn’t mean you cannot be happy if you’re not married. I want the coming generation to be happily married, I want them to settle, I want them to believe in love, I want them to have a peaceful life and a peaceful home; I encourage it.
Because I’m not married does not mean that I do not understand what love is, I know what love is, I know what romance is, I understand it so well but once in a while in the journey of life, you find out that there are some things you just have to live with or without.
Would you have dated anyone else in the industry if you were not with Goriola Hassan?
I’ve never dated anyone in the industry; my baby’s father was not in the industry when I met him. I actually brought him into the industry so it’s not as if I met him in the industry. I don’t like dating people in my industry.
I don’t believe two famous people should be together because there will be clash of ego and their lives would be on the center page of the newspapers. For my job or for my showbiz life, publicity is good but for my private life, I love to keep it really private. I don’t think two celebrities should be married to each other, it is always very tedious.
If the right man comes, what qualities should he have?
I’m old school, people look at me and say wow; you look good, I thank God for that. Most times they say Ayo you dress like a younger person. That is me, inside of me I am a very young person and I’m alive, I’m colorful and vibrant. I’m very charming when it comes to the inside of me. That is what I always radiate, that is what I show to the world; that is how I can express myself.
Having said that, your heart tells a lot to me; I don’t care what you look like. I love to laugh a lot so I like happy people, really happy people not people pretending to be happy. I don’t care if you’re short or tall, fair or dark; it is the inside of your heart that matters to me.
I’ve gone through a lot and I’ve seen a lot; even the simplest of things touches me. I’m your everyday happy-go -lucky person, when you’re sweet, when you’re cool, when you’re calm, It works for me. But then, please I am not searching.
Are you still planning to remove your tattoo?
I’m removing it gradually; it’s a gradual process
There are rumors that you had a tattoo on your bum, is it true?
I don’t have any tattoo anywhere, don’t mind anybody. Unfortunately, I’m not a nudist; I would have said people should come and see. I don’t have any tattoo on my backside. Initially my friends would come to me and ask me if I really have it on my bum but no way. I don’t have. I just have one on my arm and that’s it.
Is it a cross?
It’s actually a dagger, you can see the blood dripping and it says ‘No Fear’. It means I’m not scared of anybody except God, no fear for anybody except God.
What more should people expect from Ayo Adesanya?
20 years down, waxing stronger, the best is yet to come

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