Monday 14 September 2015

Wow: See What Popular Nollywood Actress Was Caught Doing In Prison | Photos

Following the premiere of her movie YOU & I and her role in Rukky Sanda’s movie “Dark”, popular Nollywood actress Monalisa Chinda clocked 41-years yesterday Sunday, September 13.
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Monalisa, who was very busy on her birthday, was left with no choice than to celebrate her birthday while in prison. The beautiful actress, celebrated her birthday in a prison outfit with her colleagues while on a movie set.
In order to make her day a memorable one, friends and colleagues on the movie set gathered around her to share part of her day.
See more pictures below:
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Monalisa was born September 13, 1974 in Port Harcourt, Rivers state and happens to be the first child in a family of six.
The award winning actress, Monalisa came into limelight in 1996 in a movie titled “Pregnant Virgin” and has since then became a force to be reckoned with in the movie industry.
source from information nigeria

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