Tuesday 20 October 2015

Blogger Arrested For Writing Post About Genevieve Nnaji Dating UBA MD, Phillip Oduoza

New reports say that a blogger named Desmond Ike Chima, has been arrested by the Federal Criminal Investigation Department for writing that the MD of UBA, Phillip Oduoza was allegedly having an affair with Nollywood star actress Genevieve Nnaji.
Chima of  myemag.net and e-Nigeria.com wrote “Randy UBA MD, Phillips Oduoza In Adultery Mess, Romances Star Actress, Genevieve Nnaji” which landed him in trouble.
He has now been taken before an Igbosere high court, where he was given a 5-count charge of felony.
source from information nigeria
According to the prosecutors Chima write the story to allegedly extort money from the UBA MD.
That you Desmond Ike Chima and others still at large at the said date and place did publish or distribute an article deemed to be obscene against Phillips Oduoza entitled: RANDY UBA PLC MD, PHILLIPS ODUOZA’S WIFE TO DIVORCE HIM OVER AFFAIR WITH ACTRESS GENEVIEVE NNAJI” read part of the charge.
After pleading not guilty to the charges, Chima was granted N100, 000 bail. Court proceedings will resume on October 30.

Actress Keira Hewatch Opens Up On Controversial Story Involving Her And Mercy Johnson

Fast rising actress, Keira Hewatch has opened up on the controversial tale involving her and Nollywood screen goddess, Mercy Johnson.
A couple of years back, Keira Hewatch featured in a movie ‘2 Brides & a Baby’ there were several reports comparing her to Mercy Johnson.
Apart from the close resemblance, Keira revealed that some people thought the movie ‘2 Brides & a Baby’ was about Mercy Johnson; the resemblance also generated a lot of hateful comments for the young actress online.
It turned into a big thing. People were literally cursing me out on social media sites saying ‘oh you will never be like our Queen Mercy Johnson’, ‘who’s comparing you to Mercy?’ and ‘you look like a goat’, and all that stuff like that” she revealed. “I used to be a very sensitive person. I sit in my house and be crying” she further said.
In the interview she denied ever saying she was better than Mercy Johnson.
As fate would have it the two actresses met this year. “I met her on the red carpet of the AMVCA 2015, and I couldn’t believe how sweet she was. She tapped me and said ‘Oh my God! I love you in Lekki Housewives’, and I literally started crying there” said Keira Hewatch.
source from information nigeria

Monday 19 October 2015

David Oyelowo and Daniel Craig to star in Othello

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David Oyelowo and Daniel CraigImage copyrightPA/Getty Images
Image captionBoth David Oyelowo and Daniel Craig have a long list of theatre credits to their names
British stars David Oyelowo and Daniel Craig are to star together in an Off Broadway production of Shakespeare's Othello next autumn.
The James Bond actor will star as Iago in the play staged by the New York Theater Workshop (NYTW), with Selma actor Oyelowo in the title role.
The play will be presented in a 199-seat theatre for a limited run, although dates are yet to be announced.
It will be directed by Sam Gold, who won a Tony this year for Fun Home.
The director told the New York Times he and Craig had been in talks for some time to collaborate on a theatre project, before reaching out to Oyelowo.
'Sublime actors'
He added he was excited to present the play in a small theatre because of the intimacy it would afford, but said it was too early to describe the production in any detail. 
"When Sam Gold came to us with the beginning sketches of this production, with these two sublime actors, it seemed the perfect next step for us to take together," NYTW artistic director James Nicola told Deadline.
"I'm eager to see what these original, creative artists come up with in response to Shakespeare's enduring tragedy."
Although the NYTW has hosted a number of productions which went on to Broadway success, including Once and Peter and the Starcatcher, Nicola said a Broadway transfer of Othello was unlikely given the limited availability of the actors.
Craig - who will be seen on the big screen in 007 film Spectre later this month - recently appeared on Broadway in 2013 in a revival of Harold Pinter's Betrayal opposite his wife, Rachel Weisz, and Rafe Spall.
In 2009, he also appeared opposite Hugh Jackman in a Broadway production of A Steady Rain.
Oyelowo has a long list of theatre credits to his name, beginning his stage career in 1999 with the Royal Shakespeare Company. He was the first black actor to play an English king in a major Shakespeare production in the RSC's 2001 staging of Henry VI.
Among his other credits include Prometheus Bound, The White Devil and The Suppliants.

I Never Assaulted Yvonne Nelson… We Only Exchanged Words, Accused Nigerian Man Cries Foul

Some of you might remember a story about how a Nigerian man – Elvis Eze reportedly assaulted Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson all because she refused to hug him.
Apparently, the said man who was reported to be allegedly on the run has denied claims he physically assaulted the actress.
Eze has come out to reveal that contrary to the accusations leveled against him, he never at any time physically assaulted Nelson; instead, he merely questioned the sultry actress over her negative attitude towards him after she snubbed him at the party.
It was widely reported on online entertainment news platforms, blogs, and the social media that Eze had purportedly assaulted Nelson physically over her refusal to shake his hands and hug him after he had been introduced to Nelson by Alabi during Alabi’s birthday celebrations on September 26 in Accra, Ghana.
Narrating his own side of the story, the Ghanaian-based Nigerian socialite said he was very disappointed that the actress could act so disrespectfully to him considering that he approached her courteously.
In his words, “Ingrid Alabi invited me to her birthday party on Saturday, September 26, 2015. Upon getting to the party venue, I saw Yvonne Nelson at the event. After the party, I went inside Ingrid’s sitting room, where she hosted her exclusive guests to inform her that I was leaving. During that period, Yvonne Nelson taking pictures with the celebrant and one other actress. Ingrid then asked me to join them to take pictures together which we did.
“After taking the pictures, Ingrid introduced me to Yvonne Nelson as her brother and Yvonne to me as a friend.
When the introduction was over, I wanted to have a handshake with Yvonne. She blatantly refused and she was rude to me, saying she doesn’t shake or hug people that she’s not familiar with and I walked out.”
Eze who disclosed that he was a huge fan of the actress prior to the incident said he approached Nelson when he spotted her sitting in her car on his way out of Alabi’s house.
Although, he admitted that there were verbal exchange of words between him and Nelson, he never for once threatened to raise a finger not to talk of physically fighting her.
“On my way out, I saw her sitting in her car and I walked up to her and told her that ‘Yvonne what you did in there is not called for because I’m a big fan of yours and I watch your movies, I follow your movies and I was opportune to see you for the first time after someone introduced me to you, I was just trying to say Hi and you were rude to me”.
She just exploded and said “I should shift and get out from her front that she doesn’t want to talk to me’ after which we began to exchange words, I told her that ‘you stupid or sick in the head.’ That was it and she started insulting me and of Nigerians saying that ‘Nigerians are useless, mad, crazy and stupid.”
So I walked away from there and I went home,” he said.
Eze disclosed that he was surprised when he heard that the case had degenerated badly to the extent that the issue propped up on networking site, Facebook, where he was accused of molesting Nelson.
He further said he was alarmed when he was told that his image was shown on TV stations and newspapers across Ghana and he had been reported to the Accra airport police.
According to Eze:
“Two days after the event, I saw a post on Facebook saying that Yvonne Nelson had been assaulted by a Nigerian man named Elvis Eze also known as Elvis Casino. I was so baffled seeing this so I immediately called Ingrid.
She (Ingrid) told me that Yvonne brought policemen to her house at about 3am, saying that Ingrid must take her to Elvis house to get him arrested for assaulting her.
This is what I was told by Ingrid. Later on, I started receiving numerous calls from my friends and associates, telling me that my face is on T.V. and on newspapers alleging that I assaulted Yvonne and that a case had been lodged at the at airport police station in Accra by Yvonne regarding the incident.”
Insisting that he was innocent of the accusations, Eze remarked; “I never assaulted her, I didn’t touch her or beat her, I did not molest her and I left there without anybody harassing me or chased me out because I did not touch her. Even Ingrid Alabi was there and she can bear me witness and other people there can also bear witness to this. A lot of people were there, actors and actresses that were there can bear me witness.”
Terribly pained about the incident, Eze said he was disappointed about how Nelson had handled the entire issue, saying he never expected the actress to have taken the issue to the public glare and defame his personality.
“I just saw her for the first time and I am one of her greatest fans, and I love her movies. I was surprised when I saw her at Ingrid’s party. So when I was introduced to Yvonne, I was so happy that I had met her finally. I was so surprised and disappointed how she was rude to me because I didn’t know the way she act is different from the way she behaves in real life. That is my own side of the story. It was just a normal misunderstanding, I was even surprised to see that things will get this far,” he concluded.

Monalisa Tells Her Side Of The Story About Her Alleged Beef With Rita Dominic

In a new chat with Saturday Beats, pretty Nollywood actress and mother, Monalisa Chinda opened up about her beef with Rita Dominic.
Monalisa said she’s not at war with Rita and she explained what happened.
According to Monalisa: –
“Rita Dominic and I are not at loggerheads. We just drifted apart and she is still my sister. We went to the same school. I do not think that anybody should have a permanent enemy or a permanent friend. As you grow up in this big industry, your interests start to differ and that is just what happened.”
source from information nigeria

Actress Ngozi Nwosu Opens Up On s*x-for-role Trend In Nollywood

Veteran Nollywood actress, Ngozi Nwosu, revealed in a recent interview how far the movie industry has come, including her recent health challenge.
In an interview with the Telegraph, the Abia-born Ngozi also spoke about actresses offering managers their body for roles.
Read excerpts below: –
You had a break from the movie industry after you recovered from your health challenge…
I didn’t have a break in the movie industry, you know what is going on now in the industry. They tend to frustrate the older ones and that is why, if you take a look at some of the movies, a lot of people had veered into a lot of things, but some of us who are strong are still there. I don’t know how to do anything else and that is what I am still going to be doing as long as God gives me the strength, I will still be in the movie world till my last breath.
What is your view on s*x-for-role, does it still exist in the industry?
Of course, when you talk about s*x-for role, it has to do with an individual. There’s nowhere that it does not exist, even in the whole wide world. Let me put it this way, in the entertainment industry, people do a lot of funny things to get to where they want to get to, so all this s*x issues, of course they exist, it is not only the movie industry, it is practised in all other parts of the world as well.
To me, I believe it is an individual thing. If you feel s*x is what will take you up there, fine, go ahead, just know that whatever takes you up there that is not God’s will, will certainly crash. But if you know yourself and you know what you want in life and you know your onus, you will set out for it. Definitely, when you are up there with God’s help, nobody will pull you down. But anything you get from an illicit affair does not end well.
Who are to be blamed?
Nobody is to be blamed, I have said it from the outset, it is an individual thing, if producers ‘toast’ you, maybe it’s okay but sometimes the girls are the one ‘toasting’ the producers. So, who is to be blamed then? A man has the right to say bring your body, you, the woman has the right to say ‘no’.
So it is a two way thing. Mind you, whoever they are sleeping with was not forced, that person was not defiled. If it is a r*pe, it is a different thing, but this is a matter of bring your body, this is what I want to offer you, you have the right to say I will not do that to get to where I am going, so it is two way thing.
The young acts are desperately taking over the entire shine in the industry, how do you intend to fit in?
Definitely, I cannot compete with the young ones as you grow you have a role in the society. I am Ngozi Nwosu and that is me, I will play my role, nobody will play my role, there are still roles that are meant for people like me. To me, it depends on that person’s acting capability.
There are still roles that if you to the younger ones, they cannot fit in and if same roles are given to the older ones, they will do it well. So, such roles will still come to us. The thing is just for you to be yourself and with God by your side all things is made possible, I cannot play your role and you cannot play mine.
Among all the movies to your credit which one gave you fame?
To the best of my knowledge most of the movies that I have done all gave me fame, I started from the television where I played Madam V Boot and from there I went into the movies and I got a role from the soap, “Ego Men,” in fact, each role I play, they always have a way of tagging me with it. And in soap, I got a role where I played “Peaceful Peace,” so just look at it which one do I say? It has been the grace of God that any role I play people always know me with it.
How did you find your way into the movie industry?
I started from the scratch; I started as a schoolgirl, literary and debating society, the drama club. From there I went to St. Paul Anglican School, Idi Oro, for my primary school, I started my secondary school at Maryland Comprehensive High School, Ikeja before I relocated to the East Rosary High School where I completed my O’ level. From there, I went to the Royal Theatre Art Club School under the supervision of Rev. Fabian Oko where we were compelled to act plays. I was there for two years; that was where I had my training.
You’ve not been acting lately, what have you been doing instead?
At present, I have not been in the movies, but I have been into so many other things. I have been into online soaps and I just finished a soap titled, “The Lady That Kills a Skimmer.” And I am also working on another one, but that one I am the presenter of the show presently.
What is the online soap all about and your role?
The soap is not yet out, by the time the soap starts rolling out , people should hold on to see what I have done, I played the role of a mother in it.
Some movie stars are into music, do you intend to explore this too?
What a question! Thinking of going into music? As for music, I have done something pertaining to it, but they are not mine. I had featured in some people’s musical videos like Chidinma Ekile’s song. And couple of months ago, I featured in the Fair Prince video which is yet to be out. As for singing I don’t think I still have that voice even though I was a singer before, I think I have lost that interest going into music, I still stick to what I feel, what I think I know how to do best which is my acting career, I am still in it waxing stronger.
Since you have been in the industry, what remarkable impact has acting had on you?
As a person, acting has done a lot for me and the way I am today and what I will be tomorrow, I give thanks to God. Without it, I don’t think I will find the kind of joy that I have now because people used to think that our world is for drop outs, it is a world of never do well, but today I stand here to say that we get a lot of calls from people who say that they want ‘my child to be an actress,’ please can you show me the way?
‘I want my child to be an actor’. So, it is a noble profession, it is a profession for one to be proud of and I am proud of it, even though the money coming from it is not really much, but it is okay to sustain one. It’s for one to stay alive till when God says come home.
It is obvious that acting has both good and bad sides, what has acting and fame cost you?
To your question really, it is true our world has its ups and downs, just like every other business because if you are into any business, it is not every day that you make progress, there are some businesses you go for that you lose, this happens in our world too. It is not different, but I know that, so far, I will say thanks to the Lord.
He’s the reason for how far I have gone in this world. It has made me to know that there is really nothing to this life. And through my profession, I have been able to understand life better, through my profession I have been able to see life in different perspectives, because sometimes things that you think that do not exist actually do.
Though acting is make-believe, some of them are real stories happening in people’s lives. So, it has widened my horizon, but the only bad part I would say fame has cost me is that, you no longer be who you ought to be. I mean that you are not yourself all the time because sometimes you have to mind where you step in, what you do, somebody like me, I like eating roasted plantain, roasted corn and pea along the road , but you have to be conscious of that.
But even at that, I don’t really give a hoot, most of the things we do; we do with caution, because we are supposed to be role models to a lot of people out there. Another part of it is the negative publicity. The negative publicity in our world is becoming very alarming and nauseating and it is not good. It is as if we are the one that sin the most, but for crying out loud, why are they on the artistes’ neck all the time?
Are you speaking from experience?
From the journalists, I have had one thousand and one experiences both good and ugly, because the press will make you and break you, but it should not be like that. I remember when someone in the The Sun wrote that I have leukaemia, where did he get that information, and if at all I had leukaemia is that the way they should talk about it? At least you ought to ask me and find out what was wrong with me if you really think this person is sick. You ought to offer me help, not to tell me something that will make me commit suicide.
There is increasingly bloated fees actors charge that scares producers away to look for cheap labour, what’s your take on this?
With all the efforts one has put into the profession what amount do you think that is too high for an actor to earn? I’m asking. If today you are paid N2 million for a movie, is one not worthy of it? Have you not paid your dues? Have you not worked to earn, so what is too much?
So, you see they would rather tell you, ‘sorry, you are old,’ they will rather give roles to the flash in the pans. Oh yes, because they will say that is their selling face. So, that is the reason when there are productions, investors will come out to invest and they will go for the serious minded people. It is not the flash in the pans that they want; they go for the actors who know their job.
source from information nigeria

Saturday 17 October 2015

Mercy Johnson And Family Flies 1st Class To America [Photos]

Veteran Nollywood actress and mother, Mercy Johnson, her husband Mr Okojie and kids left Lagos for Baltimore, USA.
The talented actress shared the photos from the long flight for her fans to see the faces of her family.
See more photos below: –

Ibinabo Fiberesima And Daughter Looking Amazing In Matching African Print Dress [Photo]

Veteran Nollywood star actress and AGN president, Ibinabo Fiberesima, has stepped out with her little daughter, Zino.
The mother and daughter stepped out in matching attire, wearing a ball long sleeve African print dress.
Ibinabo completed the look with her light brown strapped sandal while her daughter went with a flat blue sandal.
source from information nigeria

Dalopo Oni Shares Photos From Her Honeymoon

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Dolapo and her husband are currently on their honeymoon in Santorini, Greece. More photos after the cut..
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Source: LIB

Friday 16 October 2015

Ini Edo Talks About Her Constant Battle With Weight Issues

Veteran Nollywood actress, Ini Edo has opened up about her battle with weight issues in a recent interview.
Ini Edo who recently experienced a bitter divorce has come out to say that it has been a constant battle for her to stay fit.
I was born quite chubby and keeping fit has always been a constant battle” said the actress, “I would try cutting down on carbs and de week I Indulge, I find myself right where I was or even bigger..lol. As much as I loved my curves, didn’t like the fact that the screen would make me look even fuller” she said.
The movie star says last year she made a resolution to shed the weight and start living healthy.
As I got older last year on my birthday, I resolved to making healthy living and looking good a way of life. I took inspiration from some of my colleagues and friends to hit the gym, eat very tiny portions of food and never at night, detox water most mornings and green tea and lemon when possible” she said.
Ini Edo launched a nightclub last month called Mimz Lounge.
source from information nigeria

Photo: Sean Tizzle In Bed With Actress Iyabo Ojo

Nigerian Pop star, Sean Tizzle has joined other music stars to try his hand in acting.
The stunted singer made his debut as an actor in a new Nollywood movie titled ‘Astray’ (Isina).
In a clip from the movie, Sean Tizzle got in bed with actress, Iyabo Ojo where they appeared to be having loads of fun.
Do you think he would make a good actor?!?
information nigeria

Reports – Hugh Jackman To Quit Hollywood And Return To His Home Country, Australia

Veteran Hollywood actor, Hugh Jackman might be dropping out of the movie scenes soon.
According to OK magazine, the hunky Australian actor says he wants to retire from acting and move back to his homeland along with his wife, Deborra-Lee Furness and their children, Oscar and Ava.
A reliable source tells the mag that Hugh Jackman misses the normality of life in Australia, adding that “Hugh is nervous about the shift, but he’s a big enough star that he’s set for life no matter where he lives.”
Despite the reports, Gossip Cop claims that Jackman is not quitting Hollywood and the story by OK! is “not true”.
The site further claims they checked in with a source close to Jackman and were told the actor has absolutely no plans to quit acting.
In fact, he has two big projects lined up that are both slated to shoot next year; Hugh Jackman is currently attached to star in ‘The Greatest Showman on Earth’, a biopic about P.T. Barnum, as well as another ‘Wolverine’ sequel.
Hugh Jackman revealed in a recent interview that he’d be open to starring in a future ‘James Bond’ movie.
source from information nigeria

See First Photos From The Movie Premiere Of Juliet Ibrahim’s Movie ‘Shattered Romance’

It was an all-star studded event as Juliet Ibrahim premiered her latest movie titled Shattered Romance in Lagos, yesterday (Oct 14).
Many celebrities turned up at the private screening; Toke Makinwa, OC Ukeje, Mercy Aigbe, Bryan Okwara, Gbenro Ajibade, Destiny Amaka, Eyinna Nwigwe, to say a few.
See photos from the premiere below: –
source from information nigeria