Wednesday 14 October 2015

Yvonne Jegede – “I Have The Right To Post Any Of My Pictures On My Page”

Very sexy Nollywood actress, Yvonne Jegede in a new interview with Encomium Weekly spoke about her social media habits.
According to the actress who has a movie offer from Hungary; she also says she has the right to share any kind of picture she wants on her Instagram account.
It depends on how I feel. I post them on impulse. If I feel like sharing a picture or a short write up, I do that. I cannot really say this is what I will post or this is what I wouldn’t post.
Reacting to a picture of her in a bath tub which she shared, Yvonne Jegede said “the picture was on my Instagram page. Anybody can have access to it and decide to post it. A blogger might check my page, take the picture and make a story out of it.
I have the right to post any picture on my page. If anybody does not like the pictures that I post, it is better for them not to follow me. If it is all over the Internet, it means some people visited my page and used the picture.
Yvonne Jegede has 48 thousand followers on her Instagram account.
source from information nigeria

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