Friday 16 October 2015

Reports – Hugh Jackman To Quit Hollywood And Return To His Home Country, Australia

Veteran Hollywood actor, Hugh Jackman might be dropping out of the movie scenes soon.
According to OK magazine, the hunky Australian actor says he wants to retire from acting and move back to his homeland along with his wife, Deborra-Lee Furness and their children, Oscar and Ava.
A reliable source tells the mag that Hugh Jackman misses the normality of life in Australia, adding that “Hugh is nervous about the shift, but he’s a big enough star that he’s set for life no matter where he lives.”
Despite the reports, Gossip Cop claims that Jackman is not quitting Hollywood and the story by OK! is “not true”.
The site further claims they checked in with a source close to Jackman and were told the actor has absolutely no plans to quit acting.
In fact, he has two big projects lined up that are both slated to shoot next year; Hugh Jackman is currently attached to star in ‘The Greatest Showman on Earth’, a biopic about P.T. Barnum, as well as another ‘Wolverine’ sequel.
Hugh Jackman revealed in a recent interview that he’d be open to starring in a future ‘James Bond’ movie.
source from information nigeria

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