Saturday 3 October 2015

Juliet Ibrahim Approves Of Lesbianism, Says “There Is Nothing Wrong With The Act”

In a recent interview with Ghanagist, very pretty Ghanaian actress and model, Juliet Ibrahim revealed that she is not a lesbian but she doesn’t see anything wrong about the act.
The single mum further revealed that she has only kissed a lady once but has never slept with one in her life.
In her words; “I’m not a lesbian. You will be wondering why I’m saying this because people always think I’m a lesbian. I always get questions when I play movie roles and stuffs but I’ve only kissed a girl once and that was in a movie and that was because I had to play a role. I’ve never been with a lady before.”
“There is nothing wrong with it. You can do your thing if you like it, but I haven’t been with a girl before,” she added.
Juliet Ibrahim was married to Kwadwo Safo with whom she has a son.
source from information nigeria

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