Friday 16 October 2015

Ini Edo Talks About Her Constant Battle With Weight Issues

Veteran Nollywood actress, Ini Edo has opened up about her battle with weight issues in a recent interview.
Ini Edo who recently experienced a bitter divorce has come out to say that it has been a constant battle for her to stay fit.
I was born quite chubby and keeping fit has always been a constant battle” said the actress, “I would try cutting down on carbs and de week I Indulge, I find myself right where I was or even As much as I loved my curves, didn’t like the fact that the screen would make me look even fuller” she said.
The movie star says last year she made a resolution to shed the weight and start living healthy.
As I got older last year on my birthday, I resolved to making healthy living and looking good a way of life. I took inspiration from some of my colleagues and friends to hit the gym, eat very tiny portions of food and never at night, detox water most mornings and green tea and lemon when possible” she said.
Ini Edo launched a nightclub last month called Mimz Lounge.
source from information nigeria

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